@extends('residential.templates.uadmin') @section('content') @if (session('status'))
{{ session('status') }}
@endif @if (count($errors) > 0)
Whoops! There were some problems with your input.


Welcome to uAdmin

My Active Tickets
@foreach ($tickets as $ticket) @if($count % 2 == 1) @else @endif @endforeach
Title ID Type Queue Customer Assigned To Priority Actions
{{ $ticket->title }} {{ $ticket->getID() }} {{ $ticket->type }} {{ App\Ticket_Queue::find($ticket->queue)['name'] }} {{ App\Customer::find($ticket->customer)['company_name'] }} @if($ticket->assigned_to) {{ App\User::select('name')->where('id', $ticket->assigned_to)->first()->name }} @else -- @endif {{ ucfirst($ticket->priority) }} @if(!$ticket->closed_at) @endif id) }}'>
My Active Projects
@foreach ($my_actives as $project) @if($count % 2 == 1) @else @endif @endforeach
Company Name Status City
{{ $project->company_name }} {{ $project->status }} - {{ $team_object->find($project->status)->name }} {{ $project->service_city }}
My Upcoming Projects
@foreach ($my_upcomings as $project) @if($count % 2 == 1) @else @endif @endforeach
Company Name Status City
{{ $project->company_name }} {{ $project->status }} - {{ $team_object->find($project->status)->name }} {{ $project->service_city }}
Active Projects: Status
Active Projects: Total
Active Projects: Age
Active Projects: Pending MRC/NRC
@foreach(\App\Team::getMrcNrcFaster() as $results) @endforeach
Phase MRC   NRC  
{{str_pad($phase->id,2,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT)}} {{$phase->name}} ${{number_format($results['mrc'],2)}} ${{number_format($results['nrc'],2)}}
Totals ${{number_format($total_mrc,2)}} ${{number_format($total_nrc,2)}}

@endif @endsection @section('extras') @endsection @section('bottom') @endsection